Sky Mobile Launch

Re-imagining of what a mobile network can be


The Task.
To create the digital sales and service offering for the UK Sky Mobile brand launch.

Define ‘Digital First’ purchase journeys focused on the UK consumer pay monthly market.

Land the Core Proposition Pillars: Mix (Tariff), Roll (Data), Swap (Handset) and Sync (Entertainment).

Design, test and build a market leading sales and service experience

The Design.
Develop our Sky ‘Polaris’ design patterns to create a simple, modular sales funnel and showcase of the brand.

Reuse design patterns to help with customer familiarity, development efficiency and enhance as required. Add these new patterns back into the Polaris design system for use across other projects.

Create efficient, mid-fidelity mocks. As the design system is in place we only need light wire-framing.

Utilise video to inform about brand proposition - is a premium medium and can be kept up to date with no development overheads.

Test and learn for continuous improvements.

Website proposition and step journey

Website proposition and step journey

Customise Plans

Customise Plans







Testing Summary


Participants reacted positively to the Sky mobile proposition. They felt it was a natural next step for Sky. After looking at the designs and completing the plan and phone selection process, participants said they were interested in Sky mobile and would take a look at the offerings and prices when it launches.

“That’s a good idea, I have my landline phone with them as well, so it’s good that you can have everything with one company then you can just speak with one place.” User tester



The majority of participants were able to complete the journey - they felt the two-step process was clear. However, some were more familiar with starting their selection process by browsing phones, and others would use a comparison website.

“Straightforward, just click, click, click.” User tester

Look and feel.

Participants liked the look and feel of the designs; they thought the aesthetics of the designs were bright and clean. They thought it fitted with the existing Sky brand.

“That’s actually quite clear, it’s a very good website, and I like the colouring as well; it’s quite striking.”



The features appealed to participants, however they requested more details about them and how they would work. Features that participants were most interested in were: carrying over their unused data, being able to change their phone, and the free Wi-fi and retailer discounts.


  • The first ‘Digital First’ e-commerce launch of any Sky product with 65% of all sales made via a digital channel in first year.

  • In 2019, Sky Mobile received the Best Value Pay Monthly, Best Network for Customer Service, and Best Overall Pay Monthly awards from Uswitch in 2020 it was named Network of the Year. In the Uswitch Broadband & Mobile Awards 2021, it won best Best Value Pay Monthly Network and Best Pay Monthly Network.


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