Capital Dance Launch

New brand rollout across all digital touch points

The Task.
Roll the New Capital Dance brand across all digital areas & deliver new website, app & social channels…in a month

Consistent, accessible brand rollout across all channel platforms > Mobile, Web player, Brand website, Social, Smart speaker, TV, Banners, Promos, Playlists

Launch new Capital Dance Apps on iOS, tablet & Android, Launch, Launch New Social Channels providing a suite of templates for all social requirements

Working relationship with the brand design team > accessibility and brand design feedback for digital needs

Channel Launch Results.

  • New website, New apps, New Apple TV, New Google Hub, New Social channels…all designed & delivered in a month

  • Fastest growing station at Global since it’s launch in October 2020, 13% average MOM TLT Growth

  • Best first month of listening hours (combined platforms) of any new Global station (launched in last 3 years)


The Sky News App


Sky Mobile Launch